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Lawn Care Blog

Boise Lawn Care Blog

Sign up today for our lawn aeration service!

Sign up today for our lawn aeration service!

Our Fall 2017 special lawn aeration prices: $54.99 for the first 4,000 sq. ft. and $5.00 for each additional 1,000 sq. ft. ***We only do core aeration, the preferred method to aerate. Contact us today to schedule your lawn aeration! Aeration is vital to help promote a...

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12 Reasons to Choose All Pro Lawn Service

12 Reasons to Choose All Pro Lawn Service

We know you’ll love doing business us.  We believe there is more to a good lawn service than just showing up, mowing your lawn and getting out.  Many companies can pull that off.  We work very hard to make doing business with us different.  You will get the most...

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Sprinkler Blowouts

Sprinkler Blowouts

Why put your sprinkler system at risk with some random guy with an air compressor to do your sprinkler blowout? Use a company that you can trust.  All Pro Lawn Service is a fully licensed and insured company and we guarantee your system will be blown out correctly and...

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Full Service Lawn Care Maintenance Company

Full Service Lawn Care Maintenance Company

All Pro Lawn Service is your one stop shop for everything that involves lawn care services.  Whether it is our weekly lawn mowing, fertilization programs, trimming shrubs, sprinkler maintenance, or any small landscape jobs.  We do each of these services with...

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Lawn Care Mowing Tip

Lawn Care Mowing Tip

The way you mow your lawn can mean the difference between having a healthy looking lawn or having a lawn that looks neglected.  The best plan to care for your lawn is to cut it as high as possible while still keeping that nice manicured look. A higher cut creates more...

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Mowing is Best When Your Lawn is Dry

Mowing is Best When Your Lawn is Dry

Cutting your lawn while it is wet is a big mistake.  Fortunately we have dry summers in the Boise area, but many people have basically free irrigation, which leads many to over watering.  Mowing your lawn while it is dry is less stressful on your grass, prevents ruts,...

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Top 3 Reasons to Mulch your Lawn

Top 3 Reasons to Mulch your Lawn

There are many reasons to mulch your lawn.  We will give you the 3 most important reasons that you should be mulching your lawn. 1-     Release nitrogen and other nutrients to your lawn–   Mulching your lawn involves cutting and re-cutting your grass again in to tiny...

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Weed & Disease Control

Weed & Disease Control

A thick, healthy lawn is the best defense against weeds, pests, and disease. Fertilize your lawn, water it properly, and mow it high.  I know you wanted a secret answer to a weed and disease free lawn, but a thick, healthy lawn is the best answer.  We can help you...

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Lawn Watering Game Plan for the Boise Area

Lawn Watering Game Plan for the Boise Area

If you live by the Boise river your watering strategy will be different then if you were to live in Meridian and other areas in the Treasure Valley that have more of a clay soil.  Those of you living in Eagle, Star, or in Boise by the river have a sandy soil.  Sand...

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Hey Boise, Mowing Season is Coming Soon!

Hey Boise, Mowing Season is Coming Soon!

Isn't it that time of the year to start getting excited? Great weather is right around the corner, longer days, and those warm summer nights.  It also means your flowers will start to bloom and your lawn will turn green and start growing.  If you need someone to mow...

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